Dr. Henry Uy, DDS, Ph.D.- Pleasanton Dentist
Dr. Uy is a dentist practicing for 40 plus years. His years as an academician and advance dental degree holder has earned him his keenness in diagnosis of oral pathology (oral cancer), oral surgery (extractions, wisdom teeth removal)and dental implants
He is good natured and gentle. He can calm a patient's nerve and fear especially in making difficult decisions regarding their surgical treatment. His experience in oral surgery and experience in dental implants alleviates patient's apprehension and skepticism in obtaining these advance dental treatments for themselves.
A fellow in the International Congress of Oral Implantologist and other prestigious dental organizations, he has also volunteered as an adjunct faculty of the Department of Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery at the University of the Pacific. He also speaks Spanish and fluent in Japanese, Chinese and Tagalog.